Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Aim to Walk for 30 Minutes Each Day!

Walking for 30 minutes a day sounds too easy. The truth is, it is easy and it's something you can easily fit into your daily routine. You can break it into two 15 minute outings. You don't have to hop in a car and go to a gym. You don't have to schedule it at any certain time. You can simply grab your I-Pod and walk out the door whenever you find that window of time. It's like anything else that's important in our lives, it needs to become a PRIORITY!

That's what's so great about always having your workout clothes on throughout the day or right after you return home from work. You're always ready to walk out the door to get your walk in for the day. Simply choose your own pace. Some people are brisk walkers. Some people walk so fast they end up jogging at times. All of this OK and it's something you can work up to over time.

It's a great feeling to get your 30 minute walk in each day. It revs up your metabolism, produces endorphins that make you feel great! You also burn calories while observing nature, getting fresh air and clearing your mind.
That's hard to beat and it's free!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Top Tips From Tame Your Inner Octopus! Wear Your Workout Clothes Every Chance You Get!

Make it a goal to slip into your workout clothes first thing in the morning or as soon as you arrive home after work. I know this tip sounds simple but this single tip automatically puts you in the best position possible in order to get your workout in on a daily basis. You don't have to stop to change your clothes; you're ready to go whenever you create or find that window of time!

Trust me, this works beautifully! When I first began to incorporate daily exercise into my life I quickly realized that I did not like the idea of having to stop what I was doing in order to change my clothes for a workout. I wanted to fit my exercise routine in when I felt like it and when I felt I had a window of opportunity.

It didn't take me long to figure out that I would always be in a great position whether I was ready to in pop in an exercise DVD or take it outside to get my 30 minute walk/run in. One thing's for sure, I'm dressed to go!

If you take the time to stop and look around while you're out doing errands, you'll notice that there are many people who are dressed to workout. In most cases these people are in great shape because they have made exercise a daily priority in their lives.

Dressing to workout not only provides you with comfort but most of all it puts you in a great position to fit exercise in as a priority. You're always ready to go! All you have to do is pop in a 20-30 minute Pilates or conditioning DVD or step outside to get your walk or run in for the day!

It's true! "Dressing to Workout" can assist you greatly in making exercise a priority in your everyday life!