I used to tell myself that skinny people simply didn't eat that much. I thought for the most part they had some sort of super control that most of us don't have in life. In my mind I told myself that surely they had to be suffering to look that good or to be in that great a shape. I am a realist and of course I "realized" that I told myself these things so that I would feel better in some small way.
Well, very often we all tell ourselves little fibs in life. I have no doubt this was my way of letting myself off the hook by not taking responsibility for the "choices" I made pertaining to my food selections in my everyday life. For me, it was all or nothing. So, I took the safe comfortable side and settled for all. That resulted in me gaining 40 unwanted pounds of fat over the course of almost two decades. I pretty much ate what and when I wanted. I was just like the grabby octopus at times!
So true, I didn't deny myself of "nothing". Double negative, I know, but I have to get my point across! The truth is I didn't want to take a "time out" and educate myself in the area of setting up a healthy eating pattern. The truth is, I didn't really know how to do it! Not that many people do. It's a hit and miss sort of thing.
I realize now more than ever that there are many thin people who do not starve themselves. Many thin people simply eat properly and exercise moderately. Most of us know that what we "choose" to put into our mouths is far more important then what we can "work off" during exercise.
There's no denying that eating properly 95% of the time and exercising consistently work hand in hand from a physical standpoint as well as a mental standpoint.
Our forthcoming book "It's Never Too Late or Too Early - TAME YOUR INNER OCTOPUS IN 30 DAYS OR LESS! has the secrets to losing weight and keeping it off permanently!
Have a great day everyone!
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