These are great top tips for the first five steps to permanent weight loss while setting up a healthy eating pattern for life.
1) Create the right "Mindset". It is best not to think of this is as a "diet". It is best to realize from the onset that you are setting up a healthy eating pattern for life. This will be a lifestyle change. This eating pattern will be your "go to" plan of eating on a daily basis 95% of the time. This does not mean you will never eat another "brownie" in your life. It simply means you know it would be hard to eat them everyday of your life and expect to reach and maintain your goal weight. Realize, if you wish to lose weight, you will need to create a deficit of eating fewer calories each day. Many experts suggest that the average woman requires approximately 1,800 calories a day. If you are overweight, you are probably eating more than that each day in order to maintain your weight. This is where the deficit of calories comes in. Many experts suggest creating a deficit of 500 calories each day in order to lose one pound by the end of a week. It takes approximately 3,500 fewer calories in order to lose one pound.
Sure, you can simply trim off 400-500 calories and set up a 1,400 calorie per day plan of eating. That's a nice spot. You can do this by eating 400-500 calories less each day or by a mix of exercising off 200-250 and eating 200-250 less. It's all up to you. All that really matters is that your cutback or deficit equals 3,500 calories by the end of the week. Remember, if you're eating way more than 1,800 calories like I was before I created a deficit to lose weight, you'll probably lose more weight initially. It's widely known that there's no fast way to lose weight properly. That's why 1,400 is a nice spot to start for the average woman, you can even go up slightly higher to 1,500 or 1,600. It may take a little longer but it's all up to you. It's good to note that experts do not recommend women go lower than eating 1,200 calories per day. One of the reasons is that your body could think that it's in some type of "starvation mode" and hold onto to fat for protection. This is what happens at times when people hit a plateau. Sometimes they are too low and don't know it because they don't know how many calories they are actually eating. Eating way too few calories can work against your goals in weight loss. That's why counting calories is an awesome way to know in your mind that you're doing all you can do in the correct manner in order to achieve your goals. You don't have to do this for life but the information you get from learning what 1,800 calories looks like is invaluable for success in maintaining your weight for life. You will no longer be searching for the latest or greatest diet; you'll know how to take off a large amount of weight or the last five pounds you've always wanted to lose.
2) Get rid of the junk food in your home or hide it away and out of your sight until you are strong enough to resist and after you've become comfortable with your new healthy way of eating. This may take up to a month or two.
3) Compile a list of healthy foods you enjoy from the basic food pyramid, located at This site spells out what your body needs each day in order to form a healthy balanced diet. This is a great place to pull from while creating your healthy grocery list. It's awesome, you can see what your entire family requires based on their gender and age! Go to the grocery store and purchase all of the healthy foods you enjoy eating on a weekly basis. Realize this list will grow over time and it is perfectly fine to eat the same things over and over but always in the correct proportions in order to stay within the deficit you've created in order to lose weight while in weight loss mode. You can find out how many calories are in the food you eat by purchasing a book or looking on the web at sites like Remember, to always write down what you eat throughout the day on a tablet or in a composition book. This is a way of making yourself accountable for every article of food that you choose to put into your mouth! This one habit in weight loss mode has been greatly proven to assist you in losing every last pound you've ever wished to lose. Trust me! I did this and it works!
4) Eat at the right times and in the right amounts. If you know you have only a certain amount of calories you can eat each day in order to stay on course so that you will continue to lose weight until every last pound you've wish to lose is gone, make sure you eat at regular times throughout each and every day. This is the key in preventing yourself from overeating by not allowing yourself to get to the stage of becoming famished. Here's a sample guideline to follow.
Breakfast Between 7:00 and 8:00 am
Mid morning snack 10:00 to 11:00 pm
Lunch 12:30 to 1:30 pm
Mid afternoon snack 3:00 to 4:00 pm
Dinner 6:00 to 6:30 pm
5) Exercise. Week by week the weight will continue to drip off of you. It only helps the situation if you can begin to walk or do some condition type exercises on a daily basis. You don't have to join a gym; you can slip in a 20 minute yoga or Pilates DVD and/or begin walking by opening your front door each day. It's all good and it all works towards reaching your goal. Remember to stick with your healthy eating plan and look for new ways to introduce more healthy items into your daily eating pattern by adding them to your healthy grocery food list each week.
Do these top five things while in weight loss mode. It's best to stay away from special "eating occasions" when you're in weight loss mode. It's best to stay away from eating out often. If you must, then choose widely. Ask for your fish to be prepared with a small amount of oil. Order two sides of healthy vegetables or salad. Skip the rolls, desserts and appetizers. It's all good if it all works in your favor and it will over time.
If there is a get-together that you feel you can't or don't wish to miss, make sure to bring your own healthy foods or eat before you and make small healthy choices once you get there. This way you don't have to miss these special occasions; you can enjoy them without focusing on food items that work against achieving your desired healthy goal weight.
Later, we'll discuss how to incorporate "off track" eating into your healthy eating pattern.
Always remember it is widely recommend to consult with your Dr. before beginning a new diet or exercise program if you have any concerns.
Have a great day!
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