I was the type person who "lived to eat" each and every day! I ate when I was stressed. I ate when I was bored. I ate when I was happy. Truthfully, most of the time I ate for no reason at all! I didn't have to have a reason because food is everywhere we look! Yes, I did look just like the grabby Octopus, without the hat of course! To me, eating was one of my hobbies, and I had become an expert at it over the years.
I now realize that I allowed food to control me. I'm the type person who does not like feeling controlled by anything! I finally realized that one simple fact before I set up my healthy eating pattern for life. I also realized I was far from alone, approximately 68% of our nation is either overweight or obese. For some reason, that made me feel better. I guess I realized that food controlled millions of people's lives and it wasn't just my problem. Do you ever feel controlled by food or are you able to stay on course and eat in a healthful manner and in the proper amounts throughout the day?
I made the decision to let go of the guilt and set up a healthy eating pattern for life. I made sure not to mention the word "diet". To me, the word "diet" describes a temporary change. I knew what I was about to do had to be way more than the latest or greatest diet on the market. This was to be an incredible major change in my life. I realized I had already spent 18 years of my life eating out of control with no established healthy eating pattern in place. In most cases, I was eating based on my emotions and that is never a good thing. I made up my mind that I had to once and for all put the time and research in so that I could set up a healthy eating pattern for life.
I now control what I eat each and every day. I have learned how to put the best fuel into my body each and every day and I try to stay within my required daily caloric count in order to maintain my weight. If and when I "choose" to eat off track, it is a conscious decision that I make and I take responsibility for that "choice".
My goal has been to get the best fuel into my body in order to lose weight or maintain my weight on a daily basis.
I feel great every day and food no longer controls me. I no longer "live to eat".
I now "eat to live" and I love my healthy eating pattern.
Most anyone can do it!
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