Truthfully, most of us are not that good about making ourselves a priority in life. In many cases we put ourselves on the back burner and everyone else we love before us. This is not a good thing. It's certainly not good for us and it's not good for all the people we love who rely on us in life.
It's funny but I think we can all remember different times of our lives when we felt we were operating at our best. A time where we felt we had a great balance in our lives. Maybe it was a time where we felt we had our eating habits under control and in a healthy state. Maybe it was a time when we consistently exercised and felt great and full of energy. The truth is, we've all been there.
If you stop and think about it, from time to time and more often than we care to admit, we all get derailed in life. We're not that much different than a train at times. Yep, there we are operating at full steam and something comes up that seems to knock us off our tracks in life. Do you know what we have to do when this happens? It's simple, we have to get right back on track and continue to make ourselves a priority through it all. Yes, sometimes we may even feel like we are fighting to claim a certain time slot but do it for yourself and do it for all of your loved ones. Think of the tremendous example you will be setting! We can't afford to make up excuses and cheat ourselves from taking the best care of ourselves on a daily basis. In fact, we owe it to ourselves, don't we?
There will always be things that come up in life. That is never going to change. It could be a new job, a dog, a baby, a graduation, etc. The truth is that life is full of these type of changes and events. That's why we can't use any of these changes in life as excuses for getting and staying derailed when it pertains to healthy eating and fitness patterns.
We are all guilty of making up excuses at times. Every now and then we need to stop and re-evaluate our lives and make sure that we are a "priority" in our own lives. Sounds simple but come on, tell the truth, "Have you made yourself a top priority in your own life?"
There's nothing great about putting everyone's needs above your own. There's nothing great about making excuses for not working out or eating correctly. All of us can come up with a load of excuses in life at every stage of our lives. You have to ask yourself, "Why do we cheat ourselves by not making ourselves a priority?" This is not good for us from a mental or a physical standpoint. Please make yourself a priority! Learn how to eat well and make sure to get your physical workouts in consistently.
If you're waiting to catch up on everything else in your life and then get to a point where you'll be able to fit eating healthy or exercising in, it's not going to happen. We have to make these things happen.
We have to make ourselves a priority so that we can be our very best each day of our life and so that we can be healthy and set a good example for all whom we love.